How often should a patient undergo diabetes foot screening?

The NICE guideline states that:

‘Children and adults with diabetes should have their risk of developing a diabetic foot problem assessed’.

There is limited evidence to support the frequency of screening; however the NICE guideline group recommends the following:

‘For adults with diabetes assess their risk of developing diabetic foot problem at the following times:

  • When diabetes is diagnosed and at least annually thereafter
  • If any foot problems arise
  • On any admission to hospital and if there is any change in their status while they are in hospital

For children with diabetes who are under 12 years give them and their family members or carers (as appropriate) basic foot care advice.

For young people with diabetes who are 12-17 years the paediatric care team or the transitional care team should assess the young person’s feet as part of their annual assessment and provide information about foot care.’